Introduction | Grid Lines/Grid (Kilometre) Squares/Map References | Spot Heights | Tulips | Herringbones
Distances | Junctions | Miscellaneous | Abbreviations | OS 1:50000 Maps  | OS 1:50000 Symbols

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


A - 'A' class roads (red/green), Across, Arrow
AM - As Map
AP - AutoP(i)lot, the name of the software that automatically marks routes on digital maps
App - A direction of approach
AR - All Roads


B - 'B' class roads (brown/orange), Black, Blue (rivers/motorways), Brown ('B' roads), Bottom, Bear, Bridge
BL - Bear Left
BOAT - Byway Open to All Traffic
BR - Bear Right
Br - Bridge
BrO - Bridge Over
BrU - Bridge Under
BS - Black Spot


C - 'C' class roads (yellow), Control, Check, Roman 100, Circle
CAR - Consider All Roads
CB - Code Board, County Boundary
Ch - Church
Ch+ - Church without Spire or Tower
ChS - Church with Spire
ChT - Church with Tower
CRO - Coloured Roads Only
CROW - Coloured Roads using One White


D - 'D' class roads (white), Down, Roman 500, Diamond
DB - District Boundary
DC - Dual Carriageway, District Boundary
Dep - A diection of departure
DPH - Distance on the Public Highway
DSO - Driving Standards Observer


E - East, Even, ETL
EOR - End of Regularity
EOS - End of Stage/Section
ETL - Electricity Transmission Line


F - Footbridge, Freight line, Fork, Ford, Finish, Fast, Ferry
FB - Footbridge
FL - Fork Left, Fast Left
FP - FootPath
FR - Fork Right, Fast Right


G - Gradient (arrow)
G - Green (road)
GA - Gradient Arrow
GC,G - Green Circles (On-road cycle route)
gc,g - Hollow Green Circles (Traffic-free cycle route)
GL - Grid Line
GN - Grid Number
GR - Grid Reference
GRs - General Regulations (MSA Blue Book)
GS - Grid Square
GT - Green Triangle, Grass Triangle
GW - Give Way


H - Hairpin, Horizontal
HPN - Hairpin


I - Roman 1
IGR - Ignore Gated Roads
IRTC - Intermediate Regularity Time Control
ITC - Intermediate Time Control


J - Junction


K - Kilometre(s), Keep, K (45 degrees)
KL - Keep Left, K Left
KM - Kilometre(s)
KPH - Kilometres Per Hour
KR - Keep Right, K Right
KS - Kilometre Square


L - Left, Roman 50
LT - Left, Left at T-junction
LWR - Long Way Round (e.g. a triangle junction, GS, or otherwise determined from the route card)
LWRAM - Long Way Round As Map
LWRNAM - Long Way Round Not As Map
LWRWTI - Long Way Round Within This Instruction


M - Mile(s), Roman 1000, Motorway
ML - Miss Left
MPH - Miles Per Hour
MR - Map Reference, Miss Right
MTC - Main Time Control
MUW - May/Might Use Whites


N - North
NTC - Neutral Time Control
NTR - No Through Road
NAM - Not as Map


O - Orange, Odd, Over, Roundabout
ORO - Orange Roads Only
OTL - Over Total Lateness


P - Primary Route, Parking
PC - Passage Check/Control
PR - Public Relations
PROW - Public Right of Way


Q - Quiet
QZ - Quiet Zone


R - Red, Right, Railway, River, Roundabout, Red Diamond (National Trail)
RA - Railway Across (Untagged Level Crossing)
RC - Route Check, Route Card
RD - Red Diamonds
RF - Regularity Finish
RO - Railway Over
RS - Regularity Start
RSC - Regularity Start Control
RT - Right, Right at T-junction
RTC - Regularity Time Control
RTP - Regularity Timing Point
RU - Railway Under


S - South, Slot, Start
SC - Secret Check
SF - Stage/Selective Finish
SGW - Standing Give Way
SH - Spot Height
SO - Straight Over/On
SOX - Straight On at X roads
SRs - Supplementary Regulations
SS - Stage/Selective Start
STC - Standard Time Control
SWR - Short Way Round (e.g. a triangle junction, GS, or otherwise determined from the route card)


T - T-junction, Turn, Top, Track, Telephone, Time, Test, Triangle, Tunnel
TAC - Test Arrival Control
TC - Time Control
TJ - T-Junction
TL - Turn Left
TP - Triangulation Point, Timing Point
TR - Turn Right
TTC Transport Time Control


U - Under, Up


V - Vertical, Viewpoint, Roman 5, Very


W - West, White, Windmill
WINO - Whites In Navigation Only
WRI - White Roads Ignored/Included
WRO - White Roads Only
WUF - Will Use Ferry
WUW - Will Use Whites


X - X roads, level X-ing, Roman 10
XR - X Roads


Y - Yellow, Wide Yellow
y - Yellow, Narrow Yellow
YRO - Yellow Roads Only